I have written before about my enjoyment of good crime fiction, which I find an excellent change of pace from historical novels and serious research tomes. Margaret Kirk and William Shaw are high on my must-read list, but I have recently also discovered the work of Elly Griffiths.
Crossing Places was given to me by a friend and, as soon as I had finished it, I bought the follow-up Janus Stone. I now intend to buy others in the series.The lead character is Dr Ruth Galloway, a forensic archaeologist to whom I immediately warmed, not least for her slightly warped sense of humour. Very much her own woman, Ruth refuses to be embarrassed about singing along to Bruce Springsteen on a cassette in her car (which is too old for a CD player) and is philosophical about wearing size sixteen clothes. She has a complex and intriguing love life and soon has her reader as fascinated as she is by muddy trenches in the wilds of Norfolk and Roman burial practices.
If you are starting to compile your Christmas wish-list, I suggest you add one or both of these titles. They are both page-turners.
